Wearing a Night Guard for Your Protection

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Do you grind your teeth at night while you sleep? If you have been experiencing tooth problems due to night-time teeth grinding, you are in good company. The Bruxism Association based in the U.K. says that nearly 70% of  teeth grinding while you sleep (also called bruxism), stems from stress or anxiety. Other contributing factors include sleep apnea, smoking, caffeine or alcohol consumption, or taking medications for sleep, depression, and anxiety.

Our dentist, James K. Feldman DDS and his team in Washington, DC, offers night guards for our patients suffering from night-time teeth grinding. Now, while there is no cure for bruxism per se, a night guard will protect your teeth and jaw from the damaging effects of teeth grinding. This is important because over time, bruxism can cause the following:

— Teeth to flatten, fracture, loosen, and even tooth loss

— Increased tooth sensitivity

— Pain from grinding to the nerve

— Gum recession

— Cause or worsen TMD (temporomandibular disorder) or TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain

— Change the appearance of your face

If bruxism is left untreated, the constant wear and tear on your teeth and jaw can lead to a need for bridges, crowns, root canals, dental implants, partial or complete dentures (depending on the severity). A custom-made night guard created by your dentist is fitted perfectly for your bite, whether it is a full mouth guard that protects all of your teeth, or just to cover your front teeth. Custom made night guards prevent costly repair to your teeth from the damage done by bruxism. Also, dental insurances often cover some or all of the cost of custom night guards. So, if you are ready to find relief for your night-time teeth grinding, we invite you to call our dedicated team at 202-362-8412 today!

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