What to Do in Cases of Dental Trauma

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If you or someone in your family has a bad toothache, chipped teeth, loose or missing teeth or a fractured jaw, stay calm and call Feldman Dentistry in Washington, DC at 202-362-8412. Also, take a look at these instructions to see what you can do at home:

1. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt into 8 oz of tap water and instruct the afflicted person to gargle it over the sink.
2. Offer an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin. Tylenol or Advil are not anti-inflammatories.
3. A cold compress to the cheek will numb the pain and help bring down any swelling.

Chipped Teeth
1. Give your family member a cup of warm water to rinse out his or her mouth and a bowl in which to spit out any teeth fragments.
2. Transfer the larger pieces of tooth from the bowl to a glass of cold milk or water to preserve the fragments for your appointment with Dr. James Feldman.
3. Apply a cold compress to the cheek.

Loose or Missing Teeth
1. Use cold water to rinse the mouth of any blood. Advise the injured person to try not to move the tooth while rinsing if its roots are still partially in place.
2. Offer a fresh tissue or towel to hold the tooth in place. If the tooth is completely dislodged, you can put it in a glass of cold water or milk instead to preserve it until you see Dr. James Feldman.
3. Apply a cold compress to the cheek for pain or swelling.

Fractured Jaw

This emergency may be best treated in a hospital emergency room or with an oral surgeon. In the meantime:
1. Rinse the mouth with water to remove any blood. Advise the patient to try to move their jaw as little as possible while doing this.
2. Have the afflicted person sit in a reclined position or lie down and make them feel as comfortable as they can be. Remind him or her to keep the jaw very still.

Feldman Dentistry understands the stress of these circumstances. Call us at 202-362-8412 to receive swift and superior dental relief.

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