Your teeth required numerous assets of your life to be in conjunction with your goals. As long as you are exercising caution with any lifestyle habits that potentially put your smile at risk, you give your teeth and gums the best chance of oral health success in your later years. Furthermore, implementing an effective hygiene routine and visiting your dentist can prove to be extremely valuable as you age. Listed below are a few common tactics to improve your overall health as you age:
– If you’ve lost any missing teeth and have had them replaced with a prosthetic such as dentures, always make sure to keep your dentures clean and remove them for cleanings when necessary.
– Avoid all bad habits that can easily damage your teeth and gums, including smoking, chewing tobacco, or using drugs.
– Follow daily oral hygiene routines including brushing twice every day and flossing every day.
– Stay away from hard snacks that can easily damage your smile, including sticky or chewy foods that increase the rate at which tooth decay occurs, and hard snacks that can chip and crack teeth.
– Stick to nonabrasive products at home. This includes products such as shred-resistant floss, non-abrasive toothpaste, and toothbrushes with soft bristles.
– Always set aside enough time to visit your dentist for oral health examinations and checkups. Furthermore, do not miss your scheduled appointment.
– If your oral hygiene routines are struggling, consider using new techniques and tools. This includes upgrading to easier to operate tools such as electric toothbrushes or water flossers.
If you would like to book an exam for an aging dental health care treatment with Dr. James Feldman and the rest of our team at Feldman Dentistry, you are welcome to call our dentist office at 202-362-8412 for an appointment in Washington, DC.