When dental implants first appeared on the oral health landscape, they were used to replace a single lost tooth. Over the course of the last two decades, implant technology and techniques have greatly advanced to be able to mount a bridge.
During the initial consultation, the periodontist or oral surgeon will take a series of X-rays to get a clear understanding of how much healthy bone structure is available. If the tooth or teeth were lost due to advanced gum disease, or severe tooth decay, you might need a bone graft procedure to restore enough healthy bone to anchor the bridge
The implant procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis and often requires you be deeply sedated. So you will want to arrange to have a friend or family member drive you and help you out at home while you get back on your feet.
During the procedure the oral surgeon creates two narrow channels in your jawbone. A titanium abutment is then screwed into each channel. Titanium is the ideal metal because it is biologically and in time, it will fuse to the bone creating a very strong anchor. The oral surgeon will then cover the abutments with a temporary cap to protect them.
Once the abutments are completely fused to your jawbone your dentist will create an impression of the area. This information will be sent to a dental lab, where they will create your new bridge. At a brief follow up appointment the dentist can cement the bridge in place, thus restoring the full function of your mouth.
If you have any questions about getting an implant bridge to replace multiple lost teeth, please feel free to call us at 202-362-8412 to schedule an appointment.