Are you aware of the many forms of dental floss you can use to clean your smile? If not, then keep reading! Dental floss can come in various types and styles to match your unique smile and particular needs. In fact, by using the correct type of dental floss, you can help keep your teeth cleaner by using the tool best for your unique situation.
Our dentists, Dr. James Feldman, cares about your oral health, which is why we are happy to assist you with any of your dental needs. Our team in Washington, DC, is excited to share this information on the many shapes and styles of dental floss.
The shapes and styles of dental floss include:
– Waxed floss: Waxed floss is coated with a sticky substance to help individuals clean between their teeth if they have overcrowded teeth or teeth that are crooked and curved.
– Unwaxed dental floss: Unwaxed dental floss string is used to clean between teeth in areas that brushes cannot reach. Unwaxed dental floss is beneficial for individuals with straight teeth.
– Floss picks: Floss picks, also known as professional flossers, are forms of interdental cleaners designed to clean areas between teeth.
– Water flossers: Water flossers are designed to use jets of water to spray areas between teeth. Water flossers are suggested for individuals who struggle with using strings of dental floss to clean between teeth.
As you can see, there are many ways to floss your teeth. If you need help with your teeth or if you would like to schedule a dental cleaning, please call us today at 202-362-8412 to make an appointment. At the dental practice of Feldman Dentistry our team is happy to assist you.