If you are expecting a baby, congratulations! You will have quite a bit to do in the next few months, but in the midst of all of the preparations, don’t forget to visit your dentist. A dental visit at the right time during your pregnancy will allow Dr. James Feldman to clean your teeth and spot and and treat any problems before the baby comes.
If you are expecting, or think that you might be, you should definitely let us know. You should avoid dental procedures during the first and third trimester. And you should not have dental x-rays while pregnant.
A part of pregnancy is hormonal changes, and those changes can cause your gums to inflamed and irritated become inflamed when they react with plaque. Morning sickness can mean additional acid in your mouth, which can erode your tooth enamel. To combat that, you should continue to brush and floss, and rinse your mouth with warm water following a bout of morning sickness. Pregnancy can also lead to dry mouth, which contributes to tooth decay and infections.
If you are considering getting pregnant, or if you are, you should contact Feldman Dentistry in Washington, DC, for an appointment. You will want to schedule an appointment before you become pregnant, or during your second trimester. We look forward to seeing you soon!